The H6 Secondary Beam Line of EHN1/SPS A. Gerbershagen & B. Rae - February 2019 The H6 beam line of EHN1 is a high-energy, high-resolution secondary beam line. The secondary mixed hadron beams within the range 10-205 GeV/c can be transported to the experiments. Moreover, electron beams with variable purity (10 – 99 %) are also possible. The maximum Δp/p acceptance of the line is 1.5%. The beam height from the building floor is 2060 mm. The beam composition, the rate, the momentum and the polarities of the transported particles in H6 and the neighboring H8 beam line are strongly correlated, and are a function of the configuration of the target station (“wobbling”), the collimator settings and the materials present in the beam line. Please contact the responsible liaison physicist for details on the possibilities of each configuration. The intensities on the targets and the number of extractions (“spills”) in the supercycle are decided in the user meeting and in accordance with the user schedule. For more information on these subjects, please contact the SPS coordinator. Useful Links