K12 - KS target

The KS target is the production target for the neutral 'KS'beam. A proton beam of approximately 3 107 protons per SPS cycle impinges on this target to produce a secondary beam. After sweeping and collimation, a neutral beam remains. Its nominal production angle is 4.2 milliradians. The majority of the particles that decay in the fiducial region (starting 6 metres downstream of the target and ending 3 KS lifetimes further downstream) are KS.

In the picture above we show the support that holds the KS target. The target itself consists of 4 Beryllium rods, 10 cm long each, of 2 mm diameter. The target can be aligned on the beam both in horozontal and vertical position.

Detailes of the prodction and acceptance of the KS beam can be found here.