Beamlines NORTH AREA
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This is a high-energy general purpose beam, suitable both for
tests and experiments.
The following versions of the optics exist:
- Parallel optics for NA43:
Optics drawing (Postscript)
- Heavy ion optics:
- Test beam optics (mixed mode):
Optics drawing (Postscript)
Experiments along this Beam:
- NA43 - Zone PPE 142 (not active, installation still in
- NA49
- Zone PPE152
Test facilities along this Beam:
- H2A - Zone PPE 172
User Guide
for the H2A zone.
Logfile from control system
Liaison physicist:
Adrian Fabich
Beam Line supervisor:
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This is a high-energy general purpose beam, suitable both for
tests and experiments.
The following versions of the optics exist:
- High-resolution optics:
- High-acceptance optics:
- Heavy ion optics: Optics
drawing (Postscript)
- Test beam optics (mixed mode):
Optics drawing (Postscript)
Experiments along this Beam:
- Zone PPE 134 (completed)- NA57 - Zone PPE 134
(completed in 2002, installation still in place)
Test facilities along this Beam:
- H4B - Zone PPE 164
User Guide
for the H4A zone.
Logfile from control system
Various infos related to
the H4 and the T2 wobbling
Liaison physicist:
Adrian Fabich.
Beam Line supervisor:
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This is a secondary or tertiary test beam with energies in the
range between 5 and 205 GeV/c. However, the secondary beam
momentum is coupled to the H8 and P41/P42 beam momenta. The beam
is also used by the NA52 experiment as a high-resolution
spectrometer for searches of particles produced in collisions of
high energy lead ions with heavy target atoms.
The following versions of the optics exist:
- High transmission optics:
Optics drawing (Postscript)
- Test beam optics (mixed mode): Optics drawing
A3-colour PS
(PDF) or
A4-monochrome PS
Experiments along this Beam:
Test facilities along this Beam:
- TIS/RP - Zone PPE 126
- H6A - Zone PPE 146
- H6B - Zone PPE 156
- H6C - Zone PPE 166
User Guide
Logfile from control system
Liaison physicist:
Edda Gschwendtner
Beam Line supervisor:
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This is a high-energy general purpose beam, suitable both for
tests and experiments. In microbeam mode it can provide a very
small spot attenuated primary proton beam.
The following versions of the optics exist:
- High-resolution optics:
- High-acceptance optics:
- Test beam optics (mixed mode):
A3 colour PS
(PDF) or
A4 monochrome PS
- Microbeam optics:
Optics drawing (Postscript)
- Heavy ion optics:
Optics drawing (Postscript)
Experiments along this Beam:
- NA45 - Zone PPE 138 (completed, installation still in
Test facilities along this Beam:
- H8A - Zone PPE 158
- H8B - Zone PPE 168
User Guide
Logfile from control system
Liaison physicist:
Ilias Efthymiopoulos,
Beam line supervisor :
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This is the CERN high-intensity muon beam. It consists of an
approximately 600 metres long pion and kaon decay channel, at
ther end of which the remaining hadrons are observed in up to
9.9 metres of Beryllium. The remaining muon beam is shaped and
cleaned in the 400 metres long muon section of the beam.
< click for full picture
The following versions of the optics exist:
- Muon beam: Hadron section optics:
Optics drawing (Postscript) (PDF)
- Muon beam: Muon section optics:
Optics drawing (Postscript) (PDF)
- Hadron beam: Full beam optics:
Optics drawing (Postscript) (PDF)
- Hadron beam: -225 GeV/c optics (compatible with protons in P61):
Optics drawing
(Postscript) (PDF)
- Electron beam: Secondary beam optics (T6 to secondary target):
Optics drawing
(Postscript) (PDF)
- Electron beam: Tertiary beam optics (Secondary target to
Optics drawing
(Postscript) (PDF)
Experiments along this Beam:
- Zones PPE211, PPE221
This beam has recently been upgraded for the
COMPASS experiment.
of the M2 beam in 1999 is summarised
User Guide
Quick Reference
Draft tuning procedure
Logfile from control system
Liaison physicist:
Lau Gatignon
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These beams are high-intensity proton transport beams from the
primary targets T4 (P41) or T6 (P61) to the experimens at the
Jura side of ECN3. The branch P61 can also serve as a heavy ion
beam. If necessary, secondary beams can be created from a
secondary target located some 200 metres upstream of the end of
ECN3. Depending on requirements in the H8 and H6 beams, pure and
high-resolution electron beams can be provided by conversion of
photons produced in T4. The P41/P61 beams are part of the
P0 complex.
The following versions of the optics exist:
- Attenuated proton optics from T4:
Optics drawing (Postscript) (PDF)
- Attenuated proton optics from T6:
Optics drawing (Postscript) (PDF)
- Heavy ion optics: Optics
Optics drawing (Postscript) (PDF)
- Electrons from conversion of photons from T4:
Optics drawing (Postscript) (PDF)
Experiments along this Beam:
- NA50 - Zone ECN3
User guides exist for the
P61 and
H10 beams. A special
User Guide for P0 Ion beams, as well as a
User Guide for P0 Proton beams
to NA50 and NA60
are available as well.
P41+H10 Logfile from control
P61+H10 Logfile from control
Liaison physicist:
Lau Gatignon
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The P42 beam is a transport system for primary proton beams from P4 to the T10
The K12 beam consists of simultaneous KL and KS beams coinciding at the NA48
experiment at the Salève side of ECN3. The KL beam is a secondary beam produced
at T10. A small fraction of the protons that traverse T10 without interaction
are recuperated by a bent Silicon crystal and transported to a KS target,
located some 120 metres downstream of T10. The KS target is 72 mm above the KL
beam axis and from there the KS beam is produced and steered to converge with
the KL beam with an angle of 0.6 milliradians. A
schematic view
of the K12 beam layout is available.
A collection of figures is available here. A detailed description of the beam is
available on the CERN
library web. A
shortened version is available as well.
Under certain conditions an electron calibration beam can be made available for
the detectors in ECN3 by conversion of photons originating from T4. The P42+K12
beams are part of the P0 complex.
The following versions of the optics exist:
- P42 proton optics:
Optics drawing (Postscript) (PDF)
- K12 proton optics between T10 and KS target:
Optics drawing (Postscript) (PDF)
- Electrons from conversion of photons from T4:
Optics drawing (Postscript) (PDF)
The underlying
schematic K12 optics
allows you to click on most of the beam elements to get some
more information about them!
The evolution of the emittance of the proton beams impinging on
the KL and KS targets over the years is described in a
separate Webpage.
Experiments along this Beam:
- NA48
- Zone ECN3
User Guide
Tuning Procedure P42+K12 (
PS) (
1998 version)
P42 Logfile from control system
K12 Logfile from control system
The geometry data for the layout of beam and experiment can be found
here .
Liaison physicist:
Lau Gatignon
Last update:
07/15/2019 -