Expert Docs for East Area Operation
- Some useful information of general interest can be found
- Magnet currents for PS type magnets can be calculated using (on LXPLUS)
the program ~eagroup/lxpublic/bltoips.out (source in
~eagroup/lxpublic/lxsources/bltoips.f, data from ~eagroup/lxpublic/PSmagpar).
- Lists of currents for a whole beam can be calculated using program
~eagroup/lxpublic/beamfiles.out (corresponding source and .inc files in the
lxsources subdirectory). The input is in filename.input and the output
will be in filename.currents, where the filename is passed as the
first and only parameter to the program. The input contains for every magnet the
magnet type and the field integral at the reference optics momentum. It then
calculates all currents for a list of momenta specified in the input file.
Examples of input files are:
Gatignon, 23 March 2006